Sunday, March 22, 2009


I married a bad boy.

I didn't know he was a perverted bad boy when I married him.
That "monster" sneaked slowly and stealthily into our bedroom. ::evil grin::

*You* know.
One evening it's, "How about if we try tying your wrists with these soft silk ties?"
A few weeks later it's, "What about if I tie this bandana over your eyes for a blindfold?"

Flash forward a few years, and he's dragging me to BDSM "meet-n-greets", buying wrist restraints and floggers, and parading me around naked with nothing on but heels and a collar!

Don't ask me how it happened. I guess I was noted a couple of times saying, "I'll try anything once!" What I thought was a totally innocent saying was actually an invitation to BadBoy. ::grin::

And, once you've invited like-minded individuals to your place to watch you flogging your wife, it's soon going to follow that there's a bit of light "swapping" going on, I guess.
If you're BadBoy, anyway.

All this just to work up to telling you that we went to the Swingers Club last night.

(I'll wait. I think you just dropped something.)

Yes, this is *one* reason I started writing as my Evil Twin Sister. ::grin::

We've been to the swingers club before, but it's been three and a half years since the last time.

But BadBoy has a birthday coming up, and our dear friend E suggested to me that *maaaybe* I would like to take BadBoy back to the club as a surprise...
For his upcoming b'day...
And maybe E and his girlfriend Y could go too...
You know, just to keep us company...


I approached the subject with BadBoy, and of course he was all over it like a fly on shit!

So I spent the past two weeks discussing it with BadBoy.

"There will be *no* expectations, right?" I asked him.
"Oh, of course not! I think that was one of our problems before. I went there expecting us to get into something with somebody (read 'anybody'), so we always got disappointed," he said.

"I *don't* have to find some guy so you can watch me suck his dick, right?" I whined.
"No pressure, no expectations," he said.

And he was good to his word.

And we had a good time.

The very first time we went to the Swingers Club, I was scared to death!
The one hour car ride had my mind in a tizzy and my stomach doing sommersaults. The *entire* way there, I wanted to jump out of the car and *hitch hike* back home. I just knew that as soon as we walked in the door, there would be wall-to-wall naked bodies, rubbing and licking and fucking all over the place.

I'm very happy to report that my worries were completely unfounded. ::grin::

We got there and had to register and pay. (It seems hefty, but they have a continual buffet, mixers, a DJ, a pool, hot tubs, etc... Not to mention what they have upstairs!)
Then we had to take the "new people tour". That *felt* a bit like they were merely waving fresh meat in front of the rabid dogs, but nobody bothered us really.

There were no naked people anywhere when we did our tour. (We'd gotten there a bit early. Can you say "eager BadBoy"?)
Our "guide" comforted me by specifically letting me know that "women are really in charge here". Meaning they don't want any "hound-dogging" going on. Matter of fact, they only let a very *few* unaccompanied men in the place! If a guy approaches you, and you politely turn down his advances, and he offends or hassles you in any way, you merely need to let someone who works there know, and they'll put him out.

It's actually a very nice place to go if you're looking to have fun in a safe and "at ease" place.

Wow. I sound like I'm selling it...
But I don't really know who is reading this blog, or what kind of experiences you've had (or not), and I know there are a lot of misconceptions out there about swingers and swingers clubs.


We had a very good time.
We danced. A lot. It's been a looong time since we danced together. (3 1/2 years, to be exact. I know because BadBoy wrote it in his CrackBerry last time we were there, and what [who] we [i] did!)

I even danced with this cute couple. BadBoy had to pee and I didn't want to stop dancing, and E and Y were sitting at our table, so I just sashayed my butt over to this cute couple and proceeded to dance with them.

They didn't seem to mind.

BadBoy and I danced a lot. It's fun dancing with the man you love, and he can rub your breasts, and he can lift up your dress and feel your ass, and he can pull your top down just a bit and suckle on your nipple. It's FUN! It's especially fun because it's LEGAL and you don't get in trouble for it.

Matter of fact, it merely encourages others to try it too. ::grin:: (I mean with their own girl.)

After a *lot* of dancing, and a *little* wine, BadBoy asked if I wanted to go see what was happening upstairs.

Well, yeah!

Maybe I should explain "upstairs" for those not-in-the-know.

Upstairs there are a lot of rooms with a lot of beds, and porn playing in some rooms. There are private rooms you can go in and close the door (and lock it if you want). (And yes, they change the sheets after you come out.) There are also non-private rooms that have multiple places to sit and lie down.

This is where you can go to watch and be watched.

We went in one of the non-private rooms - "we" being BadBoy and me. E and Y had already gone upstairs before us, and they sort of disappeared in the masses, so to speak. After we went in the biggest room, we noticed E and Y on one of the beds, so we went over near them. I guess most people like being around somebody they already know. Well, it's magnified in this type of situation, I guess. ::grin::

E and Y were doing various stuff (she likes to change positions frequently), and I had BadBoy sit on an ottoman and I sat at his feet and proceeded to "blow his mind".

For the record, just let me say that I like to suck dick.

I know some women do not.
I feel sorry for them.
And for their men!

But I don't like to just suck on it so it will cum.
I like to "worship" it!
I don't know what it is about it. I just like it.

Allow me to brag just a bit and tell you there have been many men who have told me, "Wow! I don't usually cum from a blow job!"

What can I say.

I should give classes. ::big evil grin::

One sort of strange thing: While I was sucking on BigBoy, a man who had been fucking some woman on the adjoining bed walked over and asked BigBoy, "Wanna trade?"
Thankfully BigBoy said, "Not right now man."

Whew! He passed that test! lol

Anyway, after I blew BadBoy's mind, he noticed the time.
And Cinderella had to get home!

We left without disturbing E and Y. They were beginning to sort-of play with the couple beside them. Looked hopeful. (She not only likes to switch positions a lot - Y also likes to switch *men* a lot!)

BadBoy will call E today to apologize for leaving without "goodbyes".

::Yawn:: I'm still sleepy.
Sleepy and happy. ::smile::

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Virgin Blogger No More (Or Something Like That)

Just so you know, I'm using this blog to "be real" as they say.
Whoever "they" are... I don't know.

And I don't care.

I'm creating this because...
sometimes you need to rant and rave.
sometimes you need to bitch and moan.
sometimes you need to complain and criticize.
sometimes you need to cuss and fuss and *go off* on people a little bit.

So this will be my outlet for all of the above.

I have a blog that's my "nice" place. You know: How good life is. How much I love my husband. How blessed I am. How great my daughters are. Etc.

But *this* blog is for my other side.

You know, my not-so-nice side.
My complaining, bitching, whining, yelling, and otherwise "evil twin sister" place.
A place I can talk about people, life and sex in a context I don't use at a place like work.
A place I don't have to "put on my fuck face". (That's what I call it when my husband wants to have sex and I feel like it's really time to give him some, but for whatever reason I don't feel like it, but I do it anyway. I "put on my fuck face" and go in there and have fun, damn it! Whether I want to or not. I typically end up having a grand ol' time. It's just the getting started part that I can have a problem with... I'm odd like that.)

Anyway... I'm getting off track.

Yes, I've taken the wuss' way out by making a new e-mail address.
Live with it.

My first complaint?

I'm talking about alllll of you people who think the rules apply to "everybody else"!

I am sick and tired of driving with all of you who do NOT follow the rules of the road,
which by the way, people, are actually LAWS!!!

Why do you think it's suddenly okay for *you* to pass somebody on the right (when there *is* no right-hand lane) when they are trying to turn left, but they have to wait for the oncoming traffic. Do you think you are too *good* to wait? Do you think you are too *special* to wait? Do you think waiting is for everybody *else*?
Do you think you can park in that spot even though there's already *somebody else* waiting for it?!? Do you think no one will notice if you get in the other lane to jump in front of that car because you *think* it's going to be too *slow* for you?!?! Do you think it's *okay* to make up your *own* rules?!?!?
Well guess what:


Develop a little patience, for god's sake!
Leave the house five minutes earlier!

I drive a lot for my job, and this is something that's on my mind daily.

But this "not-following-the-rules" thing applies to other situations as well:
* jumping in front of people in lines, instead of *waiting your turn* (something you *should* have learned in freakin' *Kindergarten*!)
* not holding the door open for someone when his or her hands are full
* not showing respect for your elders
* not making your house payment on that house you bought that *you couldn't afford but bought it anyway*!

And stop telling your goddamn children that they don't have to follow the rules either!!!!!

Jesus people!
Give it a rest!

And remember the "Golden Rule":


Write it down.
Repeat it three times.
Memorize it.
Say it every morning to yourself in the mirror.
Repeat daily.

i'm glad i got that off my chest.