Saturday, March 21, 2009

Virgin Blogger No More (Or Something Like That)

Just so you know, I'm using this blog to "be real" as they say.
Whoever "they" are... I don't know.

And I don't care.

I'm creating this because...
sometimes you need to rant and rave.
sometimes you need to bitch and moan.
sometimes you need to complain and criticize.
sometimes you need to cuss and fuss and *go off* on people a little bit.

So this will be my outlet for all of the above.

I have a blog that's my "nice" place. You know: How good life is. How much I love my husband. How blessed I am. How great my daughters are. Etc.

But *this* blog is for my other side.

You know, my not-so-nice side.
My complaining, bitching, whining, yelling, and otherwise "evil twin sister" place.
A place I can talk about people, life and sex in a context I don't use at a place like work.
A place I don't have to "put on my fuck face". (That's what I call it when my husband wants to have sex and I feel like it's really time to give him some, but for whatever reason I don't feel like it, but I do it anyway. I "put on my fuck face" and go in there and have fun, damn it! Whether I want to or not. I typically end up having a grand ol' time. It's just the getting started part that I can have a problem with... I'm odd like that.)

Anyway... I'm getting off track.

Yes, I've taken the wuss' way out by making a new e-mail address.
Live with it.

My first complaint?

I'm talking about alllll of you people who think the rules apply to "everybody else"!

I am sick and tired of driving with all of you who do NOT follow the rules of the road,
which by the way, people, are actually LAWS!!!

Why do you think it's suddenly okay for *you* to pass somebody on the right (when there *is* no right-hand lane) when they are trying to turn left, but they have to wait for the oncoming traffic. Do you think you are too *good* to wait? Do you think you are too *special* to wait? Do you think waiting is for everybody *else*?
Do you think you can park in that spot even though there's already *somebody else* waiting for it?!? Do you think no one will notice if you get in the other lane to jump in front of that car because you *think* it's going to be too *slow* for you?!?! Do you think it's *okay* to make up your *own* rules?!?!?
Well guess what:


Develop a little patience, for god's sake!
Leave the house five minutes earlier!

I drive a lot for my job, and this is something that's on my mind daily.

But this "not-following-the-rules" thing applies to other situations as well:
* jumping in front of people in lines, instead of *waiting your turn* (something you *should* have learned in freakin' *Kindergarten*!)
* not holding the door open for someone when his or her hands are full
* not showing respect for your elders
* not making your house payment on that house you bought that *you couldn't afford but bought it anyway*!

And stop telling your goddamn children that they don't have to follow the rules either!!!!!

Jesus people!
Give it a rest!

And remember the "Golden Rule":


Write it down.
Repeat it three times.
Memorize it.
Say it every morning to yourself in the mirror.
Repeat daily.

i'm glad i got that off my chest.

1 comment:

  1. ROFL - putting on your fuck face. ::cough:: Ambien helps with that. ;-P


Bite Me: