Monday, April 6, 2009


Amy over at Meh tagged me! ...sort-of

I say sort-of because I'm too lame for anyone to tag me for real.

And because I only have 2 (count 'em, two) followers. Yeah, that too.

Anyway, if you're reading this, (a) thank you, and (b) you should try it. :-)

I haven't blogged in so long that I thought maybe this would be the perfect thing to bring me back, so to speak.

The guidelines:

1. Respond and rework.
Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention; add a question of your own.

2. Tag eight other un-tagged people.

(Easy enough, right?)

What is your current obsession? Reading about gardening; veggies, herbs, composting, etc. I'm trying to get ready for planting, and I'm not sure what on earth I'm doing! (Help!)

Good fika place? (That would be coffee to us non-Swedes) Ummm... Not wild about coffee. Matter of fact, I don't really like coffee, so I just put lots of sugar and l-o-t-s of cream in it 'cause I sure do like the hyper-active buzz I get with it. :-)

Do you nap a lot? Almost never. I wake up waaay too grouchy if I nap.

Who was the last person you hugged? That would be BadBoy. :-)

What’s for dinner? Aaak! This is the most dreaded question of my every-day! I hate trying to figure out on a daily (or almost daily) basis what I'll be making for supper! But tonight is easy. BadBoy just rushed in, fixed himself a sandwich & chips, and rushed out on the way to an old-car meeting. Daughters are out, so I don't have to worry about supper tonight. La, lala, la la, la. :-)

What was the last thing you bought? Groceries. And lots of them. It had been a while since I last got them...

What are you listening to right now? The hum of the refrigerator.

What is your favourite weather? Sunny, slight breeze, warm (70s or 80s), blue sky with a few clouds swooshing here and there...

What’s on your bedside table? Ummm... Have to go check that...

A bunch of shit that's not mine: three books (two on finances), glasses and three glasses cases, a glass cat figurine, a fairy figurine, and, of course, DUST!

Say something to the person/s who tagged you: Hi Amy! :-) Thanks for the good idea.

If you could have a house, totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? On the coast somewhere, like Italy/Sicily or France or Greece... or even California or Mexico... or basically any coast, I guess!

Favourite vacation spot? I don't really have one, but I guess it's just the beach, in general.

Name the things you can’t live without. Food, water, my family (especially BadBoy), and... love.

What would you like to have in your hands right now? A Long Island Iced Tea (alcohol version, of course) Winning lottery ticket would be nice, too.

What is your favourite tea flavour? Other than the afore-mentioned Long Island Iced, I really don't like tea. And I was born and raised in the South! I know. That's blasphemous, but it's true. And I'm all about the truth today.

What would you like to get rid of? Thirty pounds. The dust on my furniture. Things that bother me. Bad habits. Should I continue? (I'll take that as a "NO!")

What would you most like to change about yourself? (my question) My lack of ability to make plans. My obsession with crap on the computer. My inability to drop whatever trivial shit I'm doing when BadBoy calls ('cause he can totally do that for me, and he quite frequently does!).

What did you want to become as a child? A teacher. But I've kind of grown out of that. Teachers have to put up with waaaaaay too much bullshit nowadays.

What object can you look at, and smile, and feel yourself relaxing? (This is Amy's question) A baby. Especially a baby that's sleeping. Puppies. Kittens. My flowers that are blooming right now that I just planted this past Fall. BadBoy when he stares into my eyes with that look in his eyes. :-)

What are you reading right now? Umm... Duh. The computer.

Oh, what book? Oh. Well, I've been trying to read "The Shack". My Christian sister recommended it to me, and actually gave it to me. So I'm trying to be a good sister, and I'm trying to read it. It's okay so far.

What's your favourite brand of jeans? This question and the one below are really wasted on a person like me. I usually hate to shop for clothes. It's 'okay' to do it if one or both of my daughters are with me, but generally... Ugh. So, favorite jeans? Don't have them, except for whatever is in my drawer that fits.

What designer piece of clothing would you most like to own (new or vintage)? Ummm... Well... If I had to choose something... I guess it would be... a beautiful dress (or skirt & top) that fit me well and looked fabulous on me and I felt like a million bucks in! Oh, and that I didn't have to go to a store, into a dressing room to try on. :-) (Hey, I'm dreaming here anyway, right?)

Now, to comply with the other guideline:

I tag:

You! If you are reading this, please copy and paste and let me know you've done it, so I can go to your blog and read your answers.

And Amy, this obviously doesn't apply to you. :-)

But you probably already knew that.

And I'm probably being presumptuous in assuming that you'll even read this.


Okay. Anybody wanna give it a go?

I'm not gonna beg.

Do it or don't. Your choice. [grin]


  1. I have friends! ....I wanted to tag people, but then I was like 'okay, what if they blow me off....that'd be kind of awkward...' but my first draft totally had to on my list of tagged people. (Seriously.)

    I used to want to be a teacher, too. Good grief...I'd have probably shot myself by now.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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